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Alter Ego

Between the lines of heartly notes,
Between the key strokes short and tight,
My alter ego lives and knows
Her truth beyond the dark and light,
Where I’m no slut neither a wife,
Nor am I smart neither I’m stupid,
Not mean, not just, not for a bit,
But simply grateful in this life
For being righteous in my guilt
And being guilty in my right,
As my arpeggios pour their gilt
Down octaves’ keys (some black, some white).

Mountain Top

“Hardest stones on highest roads
Pave the path to freedom”,
Such by nomads I’ve been told,
Oracles of Eden.

Gypsy women took my hand:
“You must find the twins”.
Folding carousels of sand:
Pages, palms, and wings.

Weathers change and seasons die;
Sky turns black, blue, gray.
But my wind, my violin’s cry
Always blows your way.

Reins let go. My horses stop.
With forgotten grace,
Up there on a mountain top,
Maidens wash your face.

Everything is here and now
As I kneel before you.
Not to you, to God I vow
Быть всегда с тобою.

Ease In

Neither times nor customs
Drown your bliss in tears.
Neither right nor lying
Is the clock, my dear.

Sipping from oblivion,
You still curse the night,
Counting doubts to million
For one suicide.

So, back to our Shadow…
When she’s tired indeed,
Face the wall with head down,
Cling to her, and plead.

“We are still together
In this night, for now”,
Shadow sighs. You gave her
Warmth. And this is how

You gave her the reason
To go on. Let go,
Close your eyes, and ease in.
Sleep will come just so.

Like The Moon

I’ll walk away, but like the moon,
I’ll keep on hovering.
So cold.
Eternal orbit, endless tune,
Around, about you, put on hold.

You almost wacked me off the track.
Imminent flood, had you come nearer!
Hey I’ve survived.
The witch, I’m back.
The wolf, I’m howling at the mirror.